Artwork: Dan Nowakowski/Nicholas Taylor
Mechano-adaptation in a large protein complex
Soft, Living, Active and Adaptive Matter (SLAAM) Seminar
November 2021
Navish Wadhwa
Harvard University
slides for this talk:
Machines perform specific tasks for us
Cells use molecular machines to perform specific tasks
ATP synthase
Do cells have smart machines too?
Yes, they do.
We use the bacterium E. coli as a model organism
Inhabits guts of mammals
Some strains are harmful, most harmless
Multiple flagella per cell
Turner et al., J. Bacteriol., 2000
Bacteria are the smallest self-propelled swimmers
A nanoscale motor powers
swimming in bacteria
Automatic gearshift in cars allows the engine to adapt to changing terrains
What is the physical and molecular mechanism underlying this automatic gearshift?
How can we change motor load?
Electrorotation allows
full control over motor load
Electrorotation allows
full control over motor load
Higher electrorotation speed leads to lower torque
Stator remodeling depends on torque
A quantitative model for stator assembly
We extracted the on rate ($k_+$) and the off rate ($k_-$) from the data
Wadhwa et al., PNAS, 2019
The off-rate decreases with torque
Free energy of the bound state decreases with torque
The off-rate decreases exponentially with torque
Molecular mechanism for torque-dependent unbinding rate
Low torque
High torque
Torque anisotropy allows us to test the model
Conclusions and outlook
Cars and bacteria use different approaches
Cars adapt the transmission while bacteria adapt the engine itself
Flagellar motor is a bacterial mechanosensor
Molecular machines are not static, fixed structures, but flexible, dynamic, and responsive.
Howard Berg (Harvard)
Yuhai Tu (IBM)
Rob Phillips (Caltech)
Alberto Sassi (IBM)
NIH Pathway to Independence Award